Episode 20 {Wuzzing Contest }

What is a Wuzzing, you ask? Well, that’s exactly what we want to know! The Art Lab is hosting it’s very first art contest, and anyone can enter!

All you have to do is create a mythical creature called the Wuzzing. You may use any art supplies: colored pencils, clay, papier-mâché, you name it! Then you can make a profile for it. What is it’s diet? Where does it live?

Be creative with your Wuzzing. Will it have feathers or scales? Wings? Hooves? Or maybe all four of those combined! When you have finished your Wuzzing creation, send a picture of it to artlabblog@gmail.com, along with the profile you’ve created. We’d appreciate it if you can use the email, but if you can’t, then you can post your Wuzzing on your blog and send us a link in the comments. The deadline is February 16th. On February 17th, Allison (a fellow ArtLab artist) will post the results of the Wuzzing contest. You, the readers, can vote on which Wuzzing is your favorite. And one more thing – the winning Wuzzing will become the official mascot of The Art Lab!

Here are the only requirements:

·         You must use actually physical art supplies; no graphic designing, please!

·         You must email us/post the picture of your Wuzzing by the 16th.

·         You must also leave your name (or the name you use online) with your entry, so we know who to give the art credit to. You may also give us the address of your blog and we’ll link to it in the post.

I think that about covers it all! GO MAKE A WUZZING!


megan's sign-off.png

17 thoughts on “Episode 20 {Wuzzing Contest }

  1. So, my Wuzzing is done! I just have a couple of questions. I got an idea to write a story entitled something like “The Magical World Of Wuzzings,” but I did not know if that was alright since you came up with the name Wuzzing. Also, if my Wuzzing does not win, could I use it as the mascot for my blog? Or one of my other Wuzzings? I wanted to make sure that was alright. Thanks!


  2. This sounds so fun! I’m working on my Wuzzing. Not sure if it’s good enough but it’s really fun. I can’t wait to see what a Wuzzing finally looks like.


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